International consultants
Leading international companies are participating in the transformation processes of the Navoiyuran State Enterprise, including:
1) International consulting company «McKinsey»;
International consulting company «McKinsey» jointly
with specialists from the State Enterprise “Navoiyuran”, developed a “Development Strategy until 2030 and a program for increasing operational efficiency”, which is focused on the following areas:
— development of the raw material base;
— increase in production capacity;
— transformation of corporate governance;
— transformation of the organizational model;
— development of the ESG agenda;
— increasing operational efficiency;
— development of the enterprise’s commercial strategy.
2) International consulting company “Korn Ferry”;
A contract has been concluded with the international consulting company “Korn Ferry” regarding the HR transformation of the State Enterprise “Navoiyuran”, which provides for the implementation of the following tasks:
I. Selection of candidates for the position of Chief Geologist (or related);
II. Selection of candidates for the position of Chief Geotechnologist (or related);
III. Management Skills Development Program;
IV. Job evaluation and architecture formation;
V. Carrying out a comprehensive transformation of the personnel management function;
The purpose of HR transformation is:
1) A radical change in the personnel management function, including a ready-made personnel reserve for strategic positions (I, II),
2) Ready-to-implementation Management Professional Skills Development Program (III), consisting of:
-assessment and individual interviews of 12 managers;
-generating reports;
-providing feedback;
3)Development of a concept for program development and studying the need to create customized programs with business schools;
4) Analysis and assessment of managerial positions at the levels of the General Director, General Director-1, General Director-2 (52 positions) and the implementation of the corresponding transformation processes (IV);
5) Implementation in practice (V):
— results of a comprehensive diagnosis of the personnel management function;
— results of corporate culture diagnostics;
— HR strategy.
3) International audit company “Deloitte”;
For the purpose of the first application of international financial reporting standards, for the audit of the statements of the State-owned Enterprise “Navoiyuran” for 2022-2023. The international audit company Deloitte was involved. The audit work will be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2024. In addition, by the end of this year it is planned to complete an inventory of finished products, work in progress, as well as an inventory of fixed assets and long-term assets of the Navoiyuran State Enterprise. Deloitte currently audits the entity’s statements of financial position and related statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows, as well as summaries of significant accounting policies prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The primary purpose is to express an opinion on the Financial Statements SOE «Navoiyuran», audited according to International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
4) International consulting company “SRK Consulting Group”;
International consulting company «SRK Consulting Group» on the basis of the concluded contract, assesses the mineral resources and ore reserves of 17 deposits of the State Enterprise “Navoiyuran”, in accordance with the international reserve valuation standard (JORC Code). Key international consultants involved in the process of assessing mineral resources and ore reserves in accordance with the JORC Code:
The final result of the work will be a step-by-step report on the assessment of mineral resources and ore reserves in accordance with the JORC code:
— 3-5 fields by the end of December 2023;
— 5 fields until the end of January 2024;
— 7 fields until the end of February 2024.
Based on the results of the work, the consulting company will provide a report in March 2024, and in April 2024 a report with recommendations for a long-term strategy.
Current state of work.
The work is divided into 3 stages:
Stage I: Provision of geological, geological exploration, production, financial and other data according to the request of the consulting company and visits to fields by consultants.
Stage II: Submission of a mineral resource assessment report
and ore reserves.
Stage III: Providing a report with recommendations for long-term strategy.
As part of Stage I, according to the request of the consulting company, geological, exploration, production, financial, environmental and other data were provided. In addition, geological exploration data, consisting of more than 1.5 thousand reports required by the consulting company, has been digitized. In November of this year, activities began to implement the second stage of work.
5) Grant Thornton Valuation LLC;
Grant Thornton Valuation LLC carries out an assessment of the fair value of non-current assets of the State-owned Enterprise “Navoiyuran”, in order to reflect the result of the assessment and provides a report on the assessment of the fair value of long-term assets in accordance with the requirement of IFRS 13 “Fair value assessment” for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 1 “First application».
6) International audit company “PricewaterhouseCoopers”.
“PricewaterhouseCoopers” assisted in providing ESG diagnosis and gap-analysis of ESG development in SOE «Navoiyuran». According to the gap-analysis, roadmap for obtaining ESG rating has been developed. Moreover, experts of “PricewaterhouseCoopers” helped in developing Sustainability Reports for 2022 and 2023 years.