Year 2025 - The year of Environmental Protection and "Green Economy"

About us

State-owned Enterprise "Navoiyuran" was established in January 2022 as a result of the reform of JSC "Navoiy MMC".


  • 210100, Inspektorlar 7, Navoiy city, Navoiy region, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Office working time: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Business Units

Main business units

Uranium production plant


This is the only factory in Uzbekistan that has been producing uranium oxide and shipping it to consumers since 1964.

   Uranium oxide production is achieved by processing productive solutions (sulfuric acid salts) extracted by in-situ leaching at geotechnological mines of SOE Navoiuran. The quality of finished products in the form of uranium oxide meets international standards and is exported to different countries of the world.
   The competitiveness of products and the reliability of their delivery allowed the enterprise to enter the world uranium market during the years of Uzbekistan's independence, and today it ranks fifth in the world in terms of uranium production.
   Since 2021, the plant's base has begun work on the extraction of rhenium from uranium re-extraction solutions. Over the years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, production growth rates have particularly increased. Work on improvement of technical and technological production, intensive modernization allowed the enterprise to increase uranium oxide production more than 5 times compared to the first years of independence of the country.

Zafarabad Mining Administration


"Zafarabad" mining administration, the main division of SOE "Navoiyuran", was established in 1971.

   "Zafarabad" mining administration is located in Navoi and Bukhara regions and includes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th geotechnological mines, repair-mechanics shop, central physical-chemical laboratory, electrical networks and substations shop, Automobile factory No. 6, technical control service, repair and construction site. 
   Mining operations are carried out in North Konimekh, South Bukinay, Aulbek, Kukhnur, Jingeldi, Terikuduq, Sugrali and South Sugrali mines. Today, the mining department is a modern industrial enterprise that includes mining industry complexes, auxiliary departments that fully cover all production needs, developed infrastructure and social facilities.
  As part of the state program to increase the production of export-oriented products, a number of research and practical works were carried out by the mining department, which allowed to increase the production of the second product - ammonium more than 4 times. Also, ammonium perrhenate is simultaneously obtained from the technological solutions of the main production.

Uchkuduk production area


"Uchkuduk" production area is located in the northern part of Navoi region.

   In Uzbekistan, the first uranium mining by in-situ leaching started here in 1962. Today mining is carried out at three deposits with constant involvement of new territories: Uchkuduk, Meilisai and Kindik-tube. The structure includes a geotechnological mine and a sulfuric acid production shop.
   In recent years, as a result of modernization and the introduction of new equipment and technologies at the geotechnological mine, the volume of earthworks and production of finished products has increased significantly. As a result, the labour collective successfully fulfils the state uranium mining plan. 
   At present, taking into account scientific and technical progress, localization and import substitution programs, technical measures are constantly implemented to improve the modernization and automation of the control system of technological processes of uranium mining and processing, which play an important role in reducing production costs and fulfilling state plans.

Nurabad production area


Development of the Sabirsoy uranium deposit at the Nurabad site began in 1964 using the method of in-situ leaching.

   Since 2000, with the introduction of new technologies for mining carbonate ores and modernisation of technological and auxiliary equipment, the geotechnological mine has been engaged in additional development of the Sabirsoy deposit reserves ("return of losses").
   Thus, during the years of independence, minefields No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, and No. 8 of Sabirsoy deposit were reintroduced into development, as well as Sharq, Ulus, Zhar-Kuduk, Agron, Nurbulak and Ingichki. At present, off-balance reserves of minefields are being brought into development, pilot works are being carried out at the fields "Western Agron" and "Eastern Agron".
   Each employee of the division diligently contributes to the work on improving and increasing the production of strategic metal, contributing to the achievement of high results in the uranium industry, and thus further strengthening the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.



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