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State-owned Enterprise "Navoiyuran" was established in January 2022 as a result of the reform of JSC "Navoiy MMC".


  • 210100, Inspektorlar 7, Navoiy city, Navoiy region, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Office working time: Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Production of pipes

Production of pipe products from polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride for the needs of SOE "Navoiyuran"

It is known that the first development of uranium deposits in the central Kyzylkum region began in 1958 in the Uchkuduq mine by open and underground mining. Later, as a result of the further development of the field, the method of in-situ leaching was introduced in hydrogen sandstone deposits. Thus, from 1994, all uranium in the Republic of Uzbekistan began to be mined underground by the method of in-situ leaching.

Of course, the technological system of underground mining of uranium by the in-situ leaching method required the construction of geotechnological wells designed to open mines, deliver solution reagent to ore deposits, and extract effective solution from the underground layer. Initially, in the first geotechnological wells, metal pipes were used in mining by the method of in-situ leaching. But with the increase in the depth of uranium ores, there was a need to use cheaper and less labor-intensive plastic structures.

As a result, in 1996, a strategic decision was made to organize the production of various corrosion- and alkalization-resistant pipe products made of polyvinyl chloride with a production capacity of 3,000 tons per year at the base of the Sobirsoy geotechnological mine of the Nurabad site. The new production shop was equipped with high-tech equipment from Germany, Italy and China. The main raw materials for the production of pipe products are polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride granules, which are supplied by local enterprises.

If we look at the history of the development of the workshop, in 2000, a technological line designed for the production of polyethylene pipes with an annual capacity of 468 tons was launched. In December 2008, the 2nd technological line with an annual capacity of 4200 tons was installed.

Currently, the production capacity of the plastic pipes and products production plant is up to 500 tons of polyethylene and up to 5000 tons of PVC per year. This allows to fully meet the needs of all uranium mining units of the State-owned Enterprise "Navoiyuran", taking into account future development prospects.

In addition, the quality management system for the production of PVC and PE products is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. On June 11, 2018, UZ DST also received the certificate of conformity No. 05.005.09926 of the national certification system UZ SMT confirming the requirements of ISO 50001:2015 and was registered in the State Register by the SGS management system certification body.

It can be seen that the market has only progressed in its history. For example, in 5 months of 2022, the plan for the production program of polyvinyl chloride products was fulfilled by 111.1% and polyethylene products by 110.0%.

The production process control in the shop is fully computerized, managing the mix recipe and deviation list, monitoring and controlling the set parameters, adjusting the temperature readings, constantly adjusting the extruder pull mechanism and the cutting saw speed. such processes are managed automatically.

Compared to the initial period, the production nomenclature has doubled, and 27 types of PVC products with sizes from Ø 63x6.5mm to Ø195x38.0 mm are being produced. In the last year, the production of pipe products of new sizes such as Ø 75x7.0mm and Ø 127x5.0mm was put into practice.

In the line of polyethylene pipes, 24 types of products with sizes from Ø 16x1.3 mm to Ø 75x12.6 mm are produced today. In recent years, the production of new type Ø75x10.3mm pipes for pumps that suck alkaline mixture from high-flow technological wells has been launched.

PVC pipes are an import-substituting product, and today they are mainly produced on a large scale at the Nurabad production area of the Navoiyuran state enterprise, and the main customer and consumer of the products are the geotechnological mines of the Navoiyuran state enterprise. quality indicators fully comply with accepted standards.

Starting from 2020, JSC "Navoiyazot" has launched the production of polyvinyl chloride raw materials that replace imports. This made it possible to localize the raw materials in the workshop.Currently, 18 uranium mines have been developed by SOE "Navoiyuran", and 4 more mines are planned to be developed by 2026.

Uranium is mined in liquid form in geotechnological mines. Uranium production is carried out underground. This is the extraction of uranium through a process drive and absorber system. This method is highly effective in "sandy" deposits. That is, sulfur solution is poured into underground wells and ore is melted. In the processing plant, uranium is extracted using an ion-exchange resin, that is, a sorbent. The uranium precipitate is dried by filtration, and the body in the form of a yellow powder - uranium oxide - is sent to the buyers in this imitation.



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